Tag #157482 - Interview #100414 (Michal Warzager)

Selected text
Then Chaim went off to the army. He served in Vladimir Volhynskiy, and got married there, to a girl from a Jewish family. His wife’s name was Sara Fajda, and her father was a tailor. His name was Josel, but I can’t remember his surname. I know he had a son too, another tailor – Aron was his name – and a daughter, but I never met her. She was in school somewhere, or maybe working. I met that family the one time I was there, for Chaim’s wedding. I remember it was wintertime, and we went there by a two-horse sleigh. Father, Mother and I, and Uncle Pinio was invited too. The others stayed home, because someone had to watch the house. The wedding was in their house, in a great big room. There were maybe ten or fifteen guests all together. A big table was set up, but all the places were taken. It was pretty modest – that tailor wasn’t a rich man either. There was no music – I reckon they couldn’t afford it. But I remember the rabbi was there, and he took charge of everything.

They made a chuppah with Poles, and walked around the groom, and set a glass down for him to smash. And I took it all in, because it was all so interesting to me. I’d never been at a wedding like that before. I remember Chaim was given a sewing machine and some dollars, but I don’t recall how much because they didn’t show the money to me. Right after the wedding they came to our village. They lived with us at first, and then moved to a village not far away, called Leszczany. I visited them there sometimes. They had one son then, named Abram. That was all in 1938/1939.


Michal Warzager