A Ukrainian Jewish Century

Scroll down and listen to Season 3 of the Centropa Stories podcast.

13 episodes that will take you on a journey through the 20th century.

With stories read by some of Britain’s finest character actors, you will hear excerpts from Sholem Aleichem, as well as personal stories of those who grew up in shtetls, fled from the Germans in 1941, and even fought them at Stalingrad. Then you’ll listen to stories of what it was like to start life over in the postwar decades.

Introduction: A Ukrainian Jewish Century

Welcome to a podcast series unlike anything you've heard before. As you will hear, Edward Serotta introduces this series while on the night train from the Black Sea port cityof Odesa to Ukraine's capital, Kyiv. Edward will set the stage for you, and our actors will take over in each of the following episodes

Audio file
Edward Serotta
Edward Serotta

Sholem Aleichem in Kyiv

The actor Steve Furst reads an excerpt from Sholem Aleichem’s autobiography, From the Fair. This most famous of all Yiddish writers describes what it was like arriving in Kyiv in the late 1880s. As he says about the big city, “If you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.”

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Sholem Aleicham
Sholem Aleicham
Steve Furst

“Maybe Esther“ by Katja Petrowskaja

narrated by
Shelley Blond

Edward Serotta introduces our wartime stories while walking through Babyn Yar, where tens of thousands of Jews were murdered by German soldiers in September 1941. The actor Shelley Blond reads an excerpt from a remarkable memoir. When Petrowskaja asked her father what his grandmother’s name was, he shrugs and tells her he was but four years old. “Maybe Esther,” he says. And Maybe Esther walked to the edge of the ravine in Babyn Yar.

Audio file
“Maybe Esther“ by Katja Petrowskaja
Shelley Blond

Vasily Grossman’s essay: “Ukraine Without Jews“

narrated by
Jason Isaacs

In this episode, we take a drive out of Kyiv. Our destination is the village of Kozary, 82 kilometers to the north. This is where, in October 1943, the reporter Vasily Grossman wrote his searing essay, Ukraine Without Jews. From the English translation by Polly Zavadivker

Audio file
Vasily Grossman
Jason Isaacs

At the grave of a friend. “Every Ukrainian photographer dreams of taking the picture that will stop this war.”

narrated by
Edward Serotta

That is what Maks Levin said when he went off to cover the Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014. Once the Russians invaded in February, 2022, Maks had but 17 days to live. He was embedded with Ukrainian fighting units and covered the war on the front. On 11 March, his drone went down near the Hostomel airport. Maks went to retrieve it. The Russians were already there.

Audio file
Maks Levin
Edward Serotta