This is me, Jozsef Farkas, with my elder sister Eva Marton, at our mother's grave. The photo was taken in Kefar Sava in 1980.
My brother Imre had very hard work in the factory in Turda, and with three or four of his colleagues he began drinking. Then the family decided, after my sister immigrated to Israel, to send him to Israel, because it was too hot there for drinking. And so it happened. He immigrated with his family on 26th March 1966, and they settled in Kefar Sava, 15 kilometers from Petah Tiqwa. My mother immigrated with my brother to Israel because she lived with them in Turda, and there was the grandchild whom my mother adored. And my mother died in Israel after six months and six days, because she couldn't tolerate the climate. She's buried in Israel, in Kefar Sava.