Mendel and Fanus Farkas
This picture was taken at the wedding feast of my parents, Mendel Farkas and Fanus Farkas, approximately in 1918, in Torda.
My father was born in 1889 in Jaravize, and age-wise he was somewhere in the middle among his siblings. I think Gero and two of his sisters were older than my father.
But I don't know exactly, because I didn't know them.
My father fought as a soldier in World War I, and after that he came home and got acquainted with my mother, but I don't know anything more about their situation.
My mother was probably the eldest among her siblings. She was born in 1893 in Torda. My mother had a good sense of humor. She was a very jolly person.
My mother told me that after she got married, and I don't know in what conditions, her husband couldn't take it anymore and they got divorced. This happened during World War I.
My parents met after my father demobilized from the army after World War I and came home, and they got married around 1918, because my elder sister was born in 1920.
My mother took care of and raised all their three children, my elder sister, me and my younger brother. She gave us everything she had. She had beautiful handwriting, not like mine, much more beautiful.
She finished only four grades of middle school.