The picture was taken in August, 1925, in Belisce. First on the right is me, and next to me is my father, Pavao, who is holding my younger sister Lilie in his lap.
My family lived then in Belisce, where my father found work with the Jewish family Guttman. He worked as the director of a sector on the Slavonian-Podravian railway. We received a nice, spacious apartment from the Guttman family, but that there was no bathroom, we had to use communal toilets. We had a small garden which my mother took care of as a hobby. After the death of her husband, my mother's mother Eleonora and my aunt Berta came to live with us in our apartment. My father was very religious. Every morning he prayed, he went to synagogue regularly. Mother was moderately religious, and in the family we celebrated all the holidays. We lived peacefully, a harmonious life.