Vera Tomanic's identity card
The identity card issued to me in 1943 in Belgrade by the Presidency of the Ministry Council, Department of Prisoner Care, as the wife of Milorad Tomanic, a prisoner of war. It states that I am under the protection of the Central Committee for Protection of the Families of POWs. At the beginning of the war my husband was captured as an active officer and taken to captivity. He regularly made contact. Several times he changed camps. He was in both Nirmberg and Ostrabrik. In Ostrabrik there were two camps right next to one another. In one there were officers and in the other communists and Jews. My cousin was in the one where there were Jews. Since my husband could receive packages, for Purim I made kindle, which he smuggled to my cousin Marko Spiezer. Through my husband I also maintained contact with my sister Lilie, who was hidden in Budapest. She would contact him and he would send me news about her.